Chiropractic Care
Tampa Injury and Wellness
At Tampa Injury and Wellness Center we believe that seeing a chiropractor will yield many benefits that may dramatically improve your physical and emotional well-being.
Spinal health via regular chiropractic adjustments keep joints and ligaments moving and not locked up, thereby keeping your nervous system functioning at his highest capacity.
Many people seek out a chiropractor when something doesn’t “feel right”, or they are “out of whack” and can no longer tolerate their pain. While chiropractic is great for mitigating that pain, a chiropractor can also help PREVENT pain so that those symptoms don’t occur at all or less frequently.
Here are 10 signs that may indicate a visit to Tampa Injury and Wellness Center is in your future.
Symptoms: Headaches are common to most human beings. Frequent headaches can be caused by a number of factors. Dehydration or malnutrition or even oxygen deprivation can often cause headaches. Most of the time frequent headaches and migraines are caused by misalignment of the neck or subluxation of the spine.
Chiropractic Care: Chiropractic Adjustments to your neck and spine have been proven to relieve headaches and improve blood flow. This increased blood flow increases oxygen to your brain, thereby mitigating or even preventing headache pain.
Symptoms: Are you experiencing pain in your muscles and joints? Most people reach for the medicine cabinet to find aspirin or ibuprofen to relieve their pain. Did you know most pain in your joints and muscles is due to musculoskeletal alignment?
Chiropractic Care: Chiropractic Doctors are trained to make sure your body is functioning as optimally as possible. Spinal manipulation is designed to relieve the pain in your joints and muscles. Spinal adjustments are proven to increase blood flow and nerve conductivity to the joints and muscles that are experiencing pain.
Symptoms: Do you sit for long periods of time during the day? Maybe your job is one that requires your to be at your desk most of the time. Most professionals are working on computers all day and working on computer keyboards and staring at monitors for 8-10 hours a day. Sitting at your desk for that long can cause poor posture. Poor posture caused unwanted pressure on the upper back, neck, and shoulders. This type of pressure may cause the discs and bones in your neck and back to shift enough to cause problems such as a slipped or herniated disc.
Chiropractic Care: A regular visit to the chiropractor with regular neck and spinal adjustments can ensure that your spine is aligned correctly, so you do not have the symptoms described above.
Symptoms: Most people who suffer from chronic back pain will seek out a Chiropractor. Chronic back pain is one of the most obvious signs that a chiropractic visit is needed. Multiple factors can contribute to chronic back pain such as: poor posture, being on your feet all day, type of work you do, sports injury, care accident and more.
Chiropractic Care: A chiropractic doctor and regularly scheduled adjustments on your back, sometimes coupled with physical therapy can provide you with back pain relief and avoid the need for back surgery or narcotic prescriptions.
Symptoms: Have you noticed that the soles of your shoes wear out differently? This may be a sign that your body may be out of alignment. Uneven wear on your shoes is a very reliable indicator that Chiropractors see a lot. This is often known as subluxation of the spine
Chiropractic Care: Subluxation of the spine can be resolved with a chiropractic spinal manipulation to realign your spine. This is not a one and done manipulation. It will take time depending on the severity of your subluxation. This manipulation of your spine will ensure the problem does not continue and turn into a chronic issue.
Symptoms: Have you noticed that your arms and legs are not as flexible as they used to be? Are you having trouble turning your neck from side to side? These are both good indicators that you need to see your chiropractor.
Chiropractic Care: Chiropractic adjustments realign the bones and joints. Regular chiropractic adjustments relieve pain and increase your body’s range of motion. Having normal range of motion helps the body to function at its optimal level.
Symptoms: Car accidents or motorcycle collisions often cause injuries that only an experienced chiropractor can help heal. At Tampa Injury and Wellness Center, we specialize in car accident injuries, and are able to diagnose and properly treat injuries resulting from a car accident.
Chiropractic Care: If you have been the victim of a car or motorcycle accident, seek the expertise of a professional chiropractor who can help diagnose your symptoms and get you on the road to recovery.
Symptoms: Do you have sharp, shooting pain in your legs, or tingling and weakness in your legs? Pain in your legs could are signs that you may be suffering from a pinched nerve or slipped disc.
Chiropractic Care: A trained chiropractor, like Dr. Patel, will diagnose the cause of the pain in your leg and perform a spinal adjustment to alleviate the unwanted pressure that is being placed on the nerve.
Symptoms: Are you a runner, gym junkie or do you lead an active lifestyle? Do you spend time playing sports and working out frequently? When you perform sports, your body is subjected to additional strain and pressure. Added stress from these types of activities can cause the spine to become misaligned. These activities can cause pinched nerves, slipped discs, or other neck and back alignment problems.
Chiropractic Care: Seeing a chiropractic doctor on a regular basis and getting regular chiropractic adjustments will help keep your body functioning at its prime and prevent these issues from occurring.
Symptoms: Most people are concerned about their overall health. They want to live a more health-conscious life. They want to be more aware of how to best take care of their bodies.
Chiropractic Care: Chiropractors are an excellent source of information. Chiropractors can not only provide you with manageable daily exercise routines, but they can also provide nutritional guidance, and specific techniques to help relieve stress. In addition, routine spinal adjustments, will help to improve your physical and emotional well-being.
Many patients who are regular visitors to Tampa Injury and Wellness Center report better quality of sleep, less stress, increased relaxation, and better posture. After chiropractic adjustments, many patients report better motion immediately and depending on their symptoms, restore full range of motion after several treatments.